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Rob Auton: The Eyes Open and Shut Show

Assembly Roxy Upstairs


Review by David Cox

I find that trying to prepare the DARKCHAT itinerary is a bit of balancing act. Whilst it is exciting to try and find new and interesting companies and performers each year, it is always good to see some of your favourite acts who you know will entertain and impress you.

Since first seeing Rob Auton (in a tiny rooms in a pub) in 2012 he has been a regular entrant into our spreadsheet and he never fails to deliver. In recent years Rob has had specific themes, Hair, Yellow, Sky, Face etc and after last year's excellent "The Rob Auton show" he now has a slightly vaguer title of "The Eyes Open And Shut" show which does what it says on the tin and contains everything you want from a Rob Auton show.

He isn't a joke merchant and his references to everyday matters are not in the style of Michael McIntyre or Peter Kay. His uniqueness lies in his ability to craft words and turn the mundane into poetry and make the commonplace exceptional.

He kept the sell-out Assembly Roxy crowd entertained throughout his allocated hour with his individual brand of humour (the show is hilarious) and unusual take on life.

The only reason the show didn't receive a five star review is that his traditional dramatic finale didn't make me cry, like it normally does. However, it you want to spend sixty minutes to see and hear a unique voice at this year's festival rush to Assembly Roxy while there are still tickets available.

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