Never Trouble Trouble (Till Trouble Troubles You)
Tynecastle Park (Hearts Museum)
At last year’s Fringe we were privileged to see ‘A War of Two Halves’, one of the most astonishing shows we had seen for many years, so it was with much anticipation that we headed back to Tynecastle, home of Heart of MIdlothian to see this year’s offering from Two Halves Productions. This year we are treated to the story of Hearts legend Bobby Walker, from his local kickabouts in Gorgie through to his headline making as Hearts and Scotland star-man of the age.
Staged at the Hearts Museum in the stadium this years show is a two-hander starring Paul Beeson and Nikki Auld as Walker and his mother plus a host of other characters to tell us the story of Hearts greatest ever goalscorer. Two handers require both performers to be at the top of their game to really work well, both are excellent here, Auld particularly so as mother matriarch, putting into place the assortment of football men coming through the house, but equally memorable as the panto villain of the piece from across the city.
This is a show with laughs, tears, great songs but at the centre of it is simply a great story and one that even in Edinburgh remains largely unknown. It took Walker too long to get into the Scottish Football Hall of Fame, but this is another show that will go straight into the Darkchat Hall of Fame, go and see it.
Never Trouble Trouble (Till Trouble Troubles You) is on throughout August
(check the Fringe website for dates and tickets here)