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Last Stand on Honey Hill

Gilded Balloon Teviot


DarkChat went to see this thought provoking one woman show, knowing nothing in advance apart from seeing the poster with the line “She’s the water company’s biggest nightmare.  An eco-warrior with a guitar.”  

We were not disappointed.  Liz Cotton is an instantly likeable performer.  With some delicate guitar playing, she introduces us to her life in rural Cambridgeshire with gently humorous songs about the trials of lockdown and children leaving for university. She gradually introduces us to Honey Hill, with songs accompanied by some stunning footage of the beautiful Cambridgeshire countryside.

Then the tale takes a darker turn, when the villagers discover that the local water company intends to relocate a sewage plant on Honey Hill, with the inevitable enormous impact on the environment for both villagers and wildlife.  Liz skilfully illustrates how the community comes together to fight the proposal, while her role in the campaign gives her a renewed sense of purpose and belonging.

Similar situations are faced by towns and villages across the country, at a time when corporate greed has so much power and I recommend you go to see this heartfelt show to find out how this community is making its stand.

Last Stand on Honey Hill is on at Gilded Balloon Teviot until August 27th

Tickets available here

Last Stand on Honey Hill
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